From the course: Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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Explaining the problem

Explaining the problem

- One of the most important stories you'll ever tell as a salesperson is about someone who encountered exactly the kind of problem that your product or service is designed to solve. Now it lets buyers understand the problem in a more personal, visceral way than just being told "Oh I'll bet you have this problem." and it's especially useful if the buyer doesn't even know they have a problem. Alright, here's an example. So Kevin Molton was the director of sales for an online security company. Now when he met with prospects in the banking industry, he'd have all of the research and statistics he needed for the main sales pitch but he was also likely to tell them about a trip he made to Las Vegas a few years ago. Now he was there for a corporate event but like everyone else, he made it a point to take in some of the Vegas night life. "Well about one o'clock in the morning", he said, "I realized I was out of money "so I found the nearest ATM machine. "Now I put in my card and my password…
