From the course: Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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Customer success

Customer success

- Customer success stories are probably the most common type of sales story. And they deserve to be. And that's because buyers trust what other customers have to say much more than what a salesperson says. So your customer success story, even if you're the one telling it, is far more credible than just your opinion. But unfortunately, what often passes for a customer success story isn't one. And not because it isn't a success, but because it isn't a story. A positive testimonial is not a success story. A testimonial can be as simple and uninspiring as quoting one of your customers saying, well I use this product, and it works great. And that's fine as far as testimonials go. You know, you can certainly use good testimonials. But customer success stories are more involved. For example, OnStar plays actual recordings from emergency calls in their advertisements. Those are success stories. eHarmony almost went out of business until 10 couples went on James Dobson's radio program to share…
