From the course: Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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Building loyalty

Building loyalty

- One of the best uses of storytelling after the sale is to build loyalty. Now here's an example. If you'd been in one of Mark Bowser's customer service training classes in Indianapolis in the late 1990's, the first words you would have heard him say as he stood up in front of the room would have been, "Hello, my name is Mark Bowser and these are not my pants." Now his explanation was just as entertaining. His seminar was at the Hyatt Regency Hotel so naturally that's where he stayed the night before. Well, apparently that night after he checked in and was in bed watching TV, he starting having a nagging feeling. He said, "I kept hearing in my head, "check your suit, check your suit." So I crawled out of bed and looked in my bag. Well I found my suit jacket right away. And then I realized, ah, I don't have any pants. Well, that sent me into a panic, you know, what am I gonna do? So he said, "the only thing I could think of was "to retrace my steps since I arrived." "You know, maybe…
