From the course: Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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Arming your sponsor

Arming your sponsor

- Every salesperson worth his salt does his best to get in front of the ultimate decision maker, but that's not always possible. When that's the case, effective sales people find an internal sponsor to champion their cause within the organization and then they arm that sponsor with all the information needed to make the sale. But, the more creative sales people also include a story, knowing it's more likely to be remembered and repeated in the meeting than any of the facts or arguments in the sales pitch. Now, they also know a story is the most reliable way to inspire the sponsor with the same sense of passion for the cause as their own. Here's an example of what that looks like in practice from TFN at Pearson Publishing in London. Now, one of the things that she learned quickly when selling textbooks to schools is that the final decision is often made by the school board in a closed session. Now, in most situations, Tia likes to tell what she calls a future state or a feeling story…
