From the course: Selling into Industries: Professional Services
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The complex professional services sale
From the course: Selling into Industries: Professional Services
The complex professional services sale
- Each sale into professional services unlike most other industries, is going to be unique. It will vary by structure, who was involved, and who is impacted by the sale. So as a sales professional, one of the first things you want to understand is how the firm you are selling into is structured and who makes the final decisions. This differs for each of the three common types of professional services firms, the solo practitioner, the partnership, and the professional corporation. First, you have the solo practitioner which is just like it sounds. You have one professional in business for his or her self. They provide most of the services, handle most of the office business, and are responsible for most of the revenue. As you can imagine, working with solo practitioners can be the easiest as there is one decision maker and one person most impacted by the sale. However, solo practitioners are wearing lots of hats. It can be difficult to get a piece of their time. In addition, they may…
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