From the course: Security Frameworks Fundamentals

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Domain-specific frameworks and guidance

Domain-specific frameworks and guidance

From the course: Security Frameworks Fundamentals

Domain-specific frameworks and guidance

- [Instructor] There are other frameworks that are used frequently, many of which are domain specific or even industry specific. Let's talk about four of the most common ones that can help many organizations. First, there is OWASP. OWASP stands for the Open Web Application Security Project. It is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve software security. Think about everything we do on the internet. It all involves software. OWASP regularly publishes a report outlining the top 10 security concerns for web applications. It explains what the risks are, how they happen, and most importantly, how developers can avoid creating those vulnerabilities in their code. I know I feel better knowing someone is trying to protect all the places I visit on the internet. Second, the Cloud Security Alliance is a nonprofit organization committed to providing best practices within cloud computing. They have created a framework called…
