From the course: SAP Accounts Receivable Boot Camp

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Create a sales order billing document

Create a sales order billing document - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP Accounts Receivable Boot Camp

Create a sales order billing document

- [Instructor] So now that you have learned to navigate a sales order and get your orientation understanding the link between sales order itself, the billing document, and then final accounting document, let's have a look at how you actually create that invoice or that billing document from the sales order. The transaction code we're going to use here is VF04. This is to be able to process what's called the Billing Due List or to create mass processing of billing documents. VF01 can also be used if you just want to create a single document. So the scenario here is we want to create AR Invoices from Sales Orders that are relevant for billing. And then after that we're going to display the Billing Document and related Accounting Documents for the Invoice. The master data, although we're going to run the billing due list for multiple orders, we're just going to invoice this one order again, number 45. And this is just some master data describing the price and the quantity that we're…
