From the course: Salesforce Administrator Cert Prep: The Basics

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Volunteer for a nonprofit

Volunteer for a nonprofit

(gentle music notes) - So Grow Where You're Planted is the first principle. And then just real quickly, another way that you can do that is you can volunteer for a nonprofit organization. So there's a lot of nonprofit organizations out there that use Salesforce, and they're strapped for resources. They're strapped for finances. They're strapped for professionals that can come in and help them with their Salesforce instance, and help automate their fundraising efforts and that sort of thing. And I just got to say that any sort of Salesforce-related work that you do for any nonprofit organization looks like gold on a resume, because that means you have Salesforce experience and you've done something for a nonprofit organization. Hiring managers tend to look favorably on these things, and I guess the barrier to entry is lower because you're volunteering your time. There's a lot of demand out there, so there's various websites out there that list volunteer opportunities for Salesforce…
