From the course: Sales Operations

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Rules of engagement and account ownership

Rules of engagement and account ownership

From the course: Sales Operations

Rules of engagement and account ownership

- Imagine you're a salesperson sittin' at your desk. Ya got your coffee in your hand, goin' through your morning routine, checkin' your email. Suddenly a new email pops up announcing a closed-won deal by one of your peers. That's great, ya think, good for Tom. But wait, the account he just closed, isn't that my account? What should you do? Well, the truth is, this little scenario happens all the time, every day, and it can be really frustrating. It's the responsibility of Sales Operations to help manage these situations, and we do so by creating, maintaining, and ultimately operating the processes around who gets credit for what. This process is called the Rules of Engagement, or ROE for short. The ROE determines the crediting philosophy for the sales team, and how to manage any friction that may arise. The ROE also provides reps with sales-specific information in other policies and processes that impact how they sell. The first step to build your ROE is to figure out your crediting…
