From the course: Sales Operations

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How to set up equitable sales territories

How to set up equitable sales territories

From the course: Sales Operations

How to set up equitable sales territories

- Building fair and equitable sales territories is an important part of a sales operations function, but I got some bad news for you. No matter how fair and how equitable your territories are, there's always gonna be someone on the sales team that's not gonna be happy so do the best you can. After you figured out your TAM and your go-to-market strategy, the next step is to create equitable sales territories for your team. In this process, we're designing primarily for fairness across all territories. An ideal process would yield a set of territories where a rep given the opportunity to get first pick would be unable to identify a clear outlier in terms of attractiveness. Typically, this is easiest in an S&B territory where the number of accounts and the volume of historical transaction data lends themselves to a more mathematical approach. But as you move up market, more and more judgment from the sales operations and the sales leadership team is required. Here are a few tradeoffs…
