From the course: Sales Operations

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How to forecast

How to forecast

- So you're ready to start building your own forecasting function. What do you need to do? Well, to start, you need the right tools and a clearly defined and aligned process. For the bottoms-up approach to forecasting, that's the one driven by your sales team, you should determine a regular cadence at which you would like your teams to create their forecasts. Each level team should meet weekly or biweekly and then roll up their forecast to the next level of management all the way up to the executive management team. Make sure that the prior week's forecast is closely tracked as are week-over-week variances. Sales operations teams usually run these meetings, and the insights that these forecasts provide should be broadly circulated on a regular basis in order to keep sales leadership aware of how the business is performing. The primary tools that sales operations organizations rely on to conduct these bottoms-up forecasts are CRM tools like and Microsoft Dynamics. These…
