From the course: Sales Operations

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Develop a go-to-market strategy

Develop a go-to-market strategy

From the course: Sales Operations

Develop a go-to-market strategy

- Before I went into sales, I was a corporate attorney. This worked out well for my first sales job because I was selling contract management software into legal departments. We were able to identify about a thousand accounts in the US that we could sell into and all of these were large companies. But the question was, how should I best demploy by sales resources to go after that market? We decided that we should divide up by geography so we'd have one person covering the central region of the United States, one in the East, one in the South, and I covered the West. I didn't know it at the time, but what I was doing was building a go-to-market strategy based on my available market. I deployed my sales resources in the best way I could to hit my number. I was territory planning. I figured out my adjustable market, 100,000 companies, and then my next step was to create a go-to-market strategy to achieve my target. So what are the dimensions that are most important to you when…
