From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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Traditional closing techniques

Traditional closing techniques

From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

Traditional closing techniques

- There are so many different types of sales closing techniques. If you were to do an online search, you would probably come up with over 100 different strategies. Some are pretty well established approaches, while others were created by sales trainers making bold statements such as guaranteed to work every time. With names like alternative close to sharp angle, and from direct to now or never, the number of them is overwhelming. Are you supposed to learn them all? No, you aren't, and I would recommend you study only a few. However, you can never forget that the buyer and seller relationship is built on trust. You won't be successful if the sales closing approach you do use doesn't take into account the essential importance of trust the buyer has in you. Here are four closing techniques that I've used and have recommended to salespeople because I feel they're simple, honest and move the process to the desired result.…
