From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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The sales process

The sales process

- My first sales manager used to say to me "That the actual time selling to a customer is often less than 15% of the overall time to secure the business." When I first heard that I was a bit skeptical, but quickly came to understand how true it is. The vast majority of your effort goes into all of the other steps of the sales process. It's important never to lose sight that the time you spend presenting to your buyer, handling their objections, answering questions, and then closing a deal is a lot shorter than you would ever expect. Think about this. Your close if done correctly, is less than a minute long. That minute will be really difficult, and very often unsuccessful if you don't have all of the other steps properly in place. This is why I stress the importance of having a well-designed, and strategically aligned sales process that you follow. I feel that all sales processes should begin with a basic…
