From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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The sales presentation

The sales presentation

- Today is the big day and you're ready to meet with your buyer. You have an appointment and you're really excited to make the presentation. We all know the objective and that's to reach the point when you close a sale and bring in the order. You're so energized and really focused on that goal. However, because of that, it can be one of the biggest mistakes we commit as salespeople. We're so excited to be with the buyer that we then move too quickly. It's like we go from hello to presenting and then attempting to close a sale without even taking a breath. That doesn't work. Salespeople must prepare for the presentation with a strategy that is always customer focused and with a set of objectives for the call that should be accomplished first before proceeding to the closing stage. You start with a checklist of items that you will need to review and ensure that you haven't missed any details. You can review many…
