From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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The sales pipeline

The sales pipeline

- When all is said and done with presentations made, sales meetings attended and updates completed in our CRMs, it will all come down to this question. "How many sales did you close?" We can all be so dedicated, but at the end of the day our success and rewards are tied to how many sales we are able to bring in for our company. That's why we need to be so diligent and focused on ensuring our sales pipeline is working at full efficiency. If not, it can slow down our entire sales process and inhibit our ability to cultivate and maximize our opportunities so that revenue goals can be achieved. The sales pipeline is a simple concept to visualize. You're tracking each stage of the sales process from finding leads, qualifying prospects, assigning revenue to opportunities, and then summarizing the amount of deals closed. Another way of looking at it is by showing it with a funnel. You start with a lot of leads (indistinct) then…
