From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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The buyer and seller relationship

The buyer and seller relationship

From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

The buyer and seller relationship

- There has been a lot written about the importance of the buyer and seller relationship. Both have responsibilities and obligations to the respective companies that must be met. As a salesperson, your ability to successfully close a sale is so critically linked to the value and solution you're able to provide with your product or service. You need to be able to show and prove that to your buyer and establish a foundation of trust. The role of a buyer is not an easy one, and too often, salespeople don't take the time to understand what's involved with allocating dollars to purchase a product or service. In fact, salespeople not being sympathetic or showing empathy to what a buyer really does is one of the issues that bothers the most. This would also include a salesperson not fully understanding what the focus of a buyer's company is. The relationship must be built throughout the sales process, developing a solid level of…
