From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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Techniques that push the boundaries

Techniques that push the boundaries

From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

Techniques that push the boundaries

- Years ago, there was a movie based on the David Mamet play "Glengarry Glen Ross". In it, there's a scene when the manager played by Alec Baldwin ridicules real estate salespeople with lines like, "Coffee is for closers," and, "The leads aren't weak, you're weak." Movies like that and others such as "Boiler Room" and "The Wolf of Wall Street" glamorize bad behavior of salespeople whose ethics and integrity are in short supply. I cringe when I see photos from those movies used as motivational tools for those of us in sales. Unfortunately, selling techniques that push the boundaries can actually work, and it results in some salespeople using them as an accepted approach. However, when you use manipulation as a closing method, your reputation will become tarnished and your character judged in a negative way. Here are some examples of high-pressure and devious closing techniques that have been used in the past and…
