From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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Overcoming obstacles

Overcoming obstacles

- Wouldn't it be nice if after the prospecting, developing an opportunity, and making a presentation, you were able to go right to the close. Then your buyer smiles and says, "Yes, and here's a purchase order." I'm sorry, but sales doesn't work that way. I've trained hundreds of salespeople over the course of my career. And I I've told each one of them that handling objections is a part of the sales process. However, I know how it feels to hear an objection since there are times when I want to shake my head in frustration too. That said, it's very clear that you can't get to the close without first handling the buyers' questions, and overcoming obstacles. It's like crossing a bridge from the presentation stage to get to the closing stage. Here are some steps you need to follow in order to proceed successfully. First, you have to anticipate objections. They are going to be raised and you shouldn't be surprised if the…
