From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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Our job as sales professionals

Our job as sales professionals

From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

Our job as sales professionals

- When I first became a salesperson, my manager gave me some very straightforward advice. He said that my job must be focused on solving the needs of the buyers that I work with. Be tenacious in closing sales and not to exceed my expense budget while doing it. He had greatly simplified all of the responsibilities of being in sales, yet keeping our customers satisfied, driving revenue and maximizing profits really is the objective of every company. In order to achieve those goals, there are many steps that need to be taken first and I believe they are essential in order to be successful. You can't cut corners if you want to close sales. The following responsibilities must be accomplished. Planning and preparation, is in my mind, the most important building block and can't be taken for granted. It involves doing your research to know your customers, your competition, and your buyer before you meet them. It's recognizing that…
