From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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Knowing the buyer's signals

Knowing the buyer's signals

- One of the most important skills you need to learn to be a successful sales professional is knowing the buyer's signal when they're ready to buy or not. It's critical that you develop an expertise of truly understanding what your buyer is saying, and also be able to read what their body language is telling you. You won't learn this overnight, but if you don't continually try to improve spotting the buyer's signals, then you won't be able to close sales. Buyers frequently state that listening carefully is something that salespeople need to work on. We must become more aware of verbal clues. There are many, but here are just four examples of situations that are real signals that your buyer may be ready to say, yes, and you can try for the close. First, too often, we assume price questions are objections. Here's an example. If your buyer says, "Your offering is too expensive, but is there a break at higher quantities?"…
