From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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Developing your own closing strategy

Developing your own closing strategy

From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

Developing your own closing strategy

- There are many skills that you need to learn if you want to become a sales professional. We were probably all trained on a sales process that was used by every salesperson in the company that we work for. As we progressed, we were taught about topics like pipeline management, presentation methods, and sales analytics. Generating a consensus among sales trainers about the best approach to each of those has always been pretty straightforward. However, there are three sales topics that always generate a lot of discussion, good debate, and a variety of recommendations for the best way to handle them. I'm referring to prospecting, handling objections, and how to close sales. If you research for sources of information about tips and techniques for closing sales, you will be overwhelmed with choices. There are books available and videos posted online by sales experts with their guaranteed closing techniques. Some of these…
