From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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Closing sales in the real world

Closing sales in the real world

From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

Closing sales in the real world

- We've watched movies with actors in sales roles make bold statements like ABC, always be closing. We've listened to some sales trainers make demonstrative, in your face claims about the need to be aggressive and close the business and not take no for an answer. All of this has helped create a stereotype of the salesperson whose only goal is getting a sale and not worrying about their integrity. This is not how closing sales works in the real world. You need to follow your sales process, be diligent with your planning and preparation, and develop a relationship with your buyer that is built on trust and with an objective of solving their needs. Each of us has our own style, which is why there is no exact roadmap to closing business and why developing a closing strategy that works for you is the approach you need to take. Spend time to learn tips and techniques from other sales professionals. Ask for feedback from your…
