From the course: Sales: Closing Strategies

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Ask for the business

Ask for the business

- You've done your research, extensive planning, and required well-thought out preparation. You feel really good after making one of your best presentations to a customer that has been on your target list for a while. The objection they raised then questions asked were answered honestly and thoroughly. Now the buyer appears to be showing positive signals. You've reached the stage when it's time to ask for the business. The months, weeks, and long hours of work now comes down to the closing phase of the sales process. The close is when you're putting your buyer in a position to make some type of commitment to you and your offering. It will take less than a minute, but it is what people fear most about a career in sales. We have all felt that nervousness and reluctance to take this important step of asking for the business. Why is it such a stressful moment? Are you different than other salespeople? Believe me, you're not, and…
