From the course: Rhino: From Curves to Surfaces

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Make a car wheel

Make a car wheel

- [Dave] Let's get rolling and build a wheel. This will include the rim, but not the tire, which will be covered in a following video. The key here will be the sequencing of multiple, but simple, steps. Let's zoom into the final wheel right here. Notice the articulation of the various forms, the rim, the wheel face, the spokes and the hub here in the center. We can turn on the reference wheel just to see how the tire is going to fit on there. I'll turn that back off. Now let's go down to the main area here and do some work. I would like to work on the wheel face, but let's first note, we've got curves already drawn for this rim here, and the hub. However, to continue drawing in this face, I would like to go to another view, and let's go to the right view here. This face is in the exact right position, so let's just mirror to the other side. We'll go to the Transform, Mirror, select this curve. Going to right click to…
