From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Using the Properties panel

Using the Properties panel - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

Using the Properties panel

- [Instructor] We now take a look at the properties panel. This handy panel gives information on any objects selected. Now if the panel is not open by default, you can get it back with a right click on any blank area and then re-dock. The area go to is over here and not on the tab. But next to it, right click and that's where you would find properties. You would select it and re-dock it. Now the information on the properties panel is available in some other areas. Although not quite as convenient object properties down there at the bottom or the shortcut is F3. Now on the toolbar, the icon is this little round rainbow dude. So that's at least three or four areas you can generate this information. However, I think the properties panel by itself is a lot easier and that's why I keep it docked at all times. So what does it do? Well, it gives us a report of anything selected. And if nothing is selected, it just gives us a…
