From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Using Revolve and Rail Revolve

Using Revolve and Rail Revolve - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

Using Revolve and Rail Revolve

- [Tutor] We now get to generate some surfaces with the Revolve and Rail Revolve. First let's focus on the basic Revolve and some recommended rules we can use to avoid problems. I recommend highly using an axis line, even if it takes a little extra time to draw. This red line here represents the axis. For best results, you want to have the curve or the profile touch that exactly. Rule number two, try to avoid pinches or holes. Notice the curve here does not touch the axis line. And down here at the bottom, it comes in at an angle. Let me show you exactly what happens if we revolve this. I'm going to select the curve, then go to Surface, Revolve. Now you want to have the end point snaps on that's why we're using the axis so we can snap on one end and then the other. And we have options to start anywhere and end anywhere. But typically we're going to go full circle. So up at the command line, just select that. And now we see…
