From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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The versatile Gumball

The versatile Gumball

- [Instructor] It's now time to go on a exciting tour of the gumball. If you've used other 3D software, you might be familiar with this tool. If so, it was probably called a gizmo or manipulator, it's the same general idea of a handle or a gripper. So, what does it do? Well, all kinds of transformations such as moving, rotating, scaling, and a little bit more. If your gumball is turned off, you do have to select down here on the status line. So select gumball, it should highlight and now when you select objects in the scene, you get the gumball manipulator lighting up. And that's an important point to note here, it's going to work best when you click on single objects like these polysurfaces or solids or a single curve, which we'll get to later. Notice when I shift and select other things this is not going to be as useful because even any rotation I would do would just cause a whole set to kind of fly off into space.…
