From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Surface from Curve Network

Surface from Curve Network - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

Surface from Curve Network

- Congratulations. You're about to see the most powerful surface command inside of rhino. Now it's very cool what it can do, but it's also pretty tricky and it takes a bit of practice. Consider this video just a very short introduction. Let's take a look at Mr. Turtle Boy, who's our space visitor using the spaceship we've been looking at. So this character was built primarily with a surface from curve network, and we can see his head flows into his little bean shaped body. With a lot of additional organic stuff happening. So this is the beauty of the surface from curve network. That's just an example. We're going to actually build something quite a bit simpler. Let's turn off the turtle boy layer. I'm going to turn on final shoe and make the new shoe our current active layer. So it's helpful to understand what we're doing when we draw a pile of curves and expecting something to happen. So a great way to understand the surface…
