From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Setting and fixing Rhino preferences

Setting and fixing Rhino preferences - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

Setting and fixing Rhino preferences

- In this video, we cover my favorite Rhino options to tweak. Most of these are personal preferences and will change with the kinds of projects you are working on. But there is one exception. The Nudge. Let's fix that first and get it out of the way. We're going to access this setting by going to the Tools Menu, and selecting Options. Now, down here towards the bottom, under Modeling Age, we have Nudge and by default it will say Alt plus arrows. Why I don't like this, is a lot of other software uses just the arrow keys to move things around in the scene. We'll do a demo of that in just a second, but I find that very handy and intuitive to move things up, down, left, right with those four arrow cursors. Since we're here, we may want to take a look at the Nudge steps. So I always pick something logical. For example, if we nudge or move something, it should move one of the file units away. Just like Photoshop and…
