From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Selecting objects

Selecting objects

- [Instructor] Let's now cover how to select an object or objects. Sounds easy, right? Well, like most other operations in Rhino, you have a few different ways to get the job done. Let's start off with this simplest way that's just basic clicking. Objects get highlighted when selected, but there's some other nice features too. We can add other objects by holding down the shift key as we pick more. Now, if you pick too much, you can always hit the control to de-select from a group. So, that's the click select with shift to add and control to subtract. And we can also draw a box and we can go two different directions. If we go left to right, it'll only include stuff that is inside that selection set. So a lot of times, you may get unexpected results. I'm going to click here to de-select and we also have what's called a crossing box by going the opposite direction, it will pick anything that's overlapping. So it…
