From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Lofting surfaces

Lofting surfaces

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll explore the requirements for quality lofted surfaces using two completely different examples. Let's first start with some open curve to explain the basics. Interesting side note, you probably want three or more curves before your loft. If you have just two, it pretty much looks like an extrusion is not going to give you the results you want. Let's go ahead and select and loft these and then kind of discuss what we see. So I'm going to select all of them. That was a leftward crossing box. I'm going to go to surface loft right at the top. Then hit okay. Now, this has got a little bit extra detail. In fact, a little bit more than I would like. You can tell that with all these extra iso-curves rippling through the shape. Let's go ahead and drag that to the side. And I'm going to go ahead and select all of these except for one. Second from the end has got a note that there's 16…
