From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Launching commands

Launching commands

- [Instructor] Next up, we cover the various ways to launch commands. You'll see how you can launch commands in more ways than you could guess. So go ahead and guess. If you guess five, you are right. If not, feel free to guess again. Anyways, this flexibility gives you a lot of freedom, but it can also increase confusion for some beginners. We also have four different ways to repeat commands. Let's cover some of these right now. So launching a command, probably the most easiest or intuitive ways is that menu at the top. All commands are located there. But icons are sprinkled around the interface and those can be very handy as well. You'll see those in the tool bar on the top, and a lot of the panels on the side. We also can type in directly to the command line if we have trouble remembering where the command might be, or we just like typing in lot of letters. If you have a middle button mouse, which you should, then…
