From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Getting feedback

Getting feedback

- [Instructor] When working in Rhino it's important to be aware of the feedback you have available. Imagine, just by knowing where to look you will be a better modeler and designer. One of the most important areas to receive feedback is the command line. This is up here right above the toolbars. And typically it's going to be two or three lines tall. Right now, mine is collapsed. I'm not even seeing the last line up there because it's kind of covered up. Let's grab on this divider line here and pull this down. Now we can see both prior commands and the current one. So a general rule here, when launching a command make sure before you start clicking you do a quick scan and see all the options available. We'll do that for the commands coming right up. Let's zoom in here is start a command with what I call the eyeball method. Where we're not really too concerned about all the options available, except for the bare…
