From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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File features and strategies

File features and strategies - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

File features and strategies

- Let's now take a look at some ways to open and save files, and then we'll cover importing and exporting. Unless you've never used a computer, you're probably very familiar with the command called File Open. That's very straightforward. However, if you don't have an existing file, a great way to access the templates with a lot of ready made settings is using the File New. This brings up your list of template files. So, this can really help you save a lot of pain by forgetting to hit the correct units or tolerances. Rhino makes it simple. Typically for handheld electronics, I'm going to be with Small Objects section down here at the bottom and just pick whatever units you prefer. If you're still not sure, look to the right over here and it'll give you an example of what kind of objects that might be. Okay, let's go ahead and cancel that out. So that was File New. Let's now look at bringing in other files or more…
