From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Extruding curves and modeling strategies

Extruding curves and modeling strategies - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

Extruding curves and modeling strategies

- [Instructor] We now look at the extrude command, which you will master immediately. In fact, it's one of the quickest ways to make a 3D surface. Right here is a rear view mirror for our spaceship. And if you can believe it, this was only made with one or two curves, depending on how you count them. This is not only our final goal, but we're going to use it for some reference snapping. Let's go over to this blank area here. Let's start with, as you guess it, we need to make curves and leverage those to build the surfaces. I'm going to select the rectangle over here. Now I'm going to select centered and rounded up there in the command line. I want to snap to these points. If you're not snapping, make sure your O snaps are set to point down here at the bottom. So I'm going to select this one here in the center and go over to the corner. Now don't forget if it's rounded, it's still waiting for you to pick a fillet size…
