From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Customizing the UI for commands

Customizing the UI for commands - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

Customizing the UI for commands

- [Instructor] We now proceed to customizing the Rhino User Interface. One thing you will notice is we have a lot of options. However, most of what I'm covering is going to be optional for beginners, which is another way to say, you may want to wait a while before making any of these changes. When we talk about a Toolbar or the Tabs, these are the things along the top of the interface. When we talk about the Panels, these are the boxes along the side. Here we have the Properties Panel and the Layer Panel, both of these are nothing more than just a grouping of related commands. And we like Toolbars and Panels. They make most commands easier to find and easier to learn. Let's start off with a modification to the Toolbars. The key here is to right click on a blank areas. You want to go over to the right, I'm going to right click, select Show Toolbar and then without this thing disappearing, which it can do easily, you might…
