From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Curve tips

Curve tips

- [Instructor] Once we master the basics of drawing curves, we should always try to leverage our work. Leveraging is defined, at least by me, as getting results by using stuff you already created. Now, the best example of this strategy is my favorite, the offset command. It will work with a variety of curves, whether they're open, curved, or closed. Let's start off with this basic circle here. We're going to access the command with the Curve Tools toolbar. And the offset command is right here. So we'll pick the curve. Then we can either go inside or out. Let's make sure that our distance is enough so we can see this effect. A lot of times it'll default to one. I've got mine cranked up to 10. And there we go. We can go outside or inside equally accurately. Let's try two sides now with this little wiggly curve. I'm going to select it. And just another way to pick is right clicking to repeat the last command we've done.…
