From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Creating arcs, circles, and ellipses

Creating arcs, circles, and ellipses - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

Creating arcs, circles, and ellipses

- [Tutor] Hey, it's time for some more 2D shapes. This time we focus on the curvy ones, the arcs, the circles, and the ellipses. Now most of these commands we can find in multiple places. I've got the curve drawing tool bar right here, but occasionally we'll go up to the curve menu as well. Some of the more common curves are also on the main toolbar here on the left side. Okay, let's start off with a basic arc. I'll use the main toolbar here. I'm going to select the first thing I see. Also, it may help if you have the point object snap on so we can start the center of the arc right there. Now I can start anywhere and end anywhere. Usually I like to hold down Shift. So I go straight to one side and then you go up at any angle. Don't forget we can type numbers in. We'll do that next. Right now, I'll just click anywhere. So there's your basic arc, eyeball method. Now, let's get a little more precise. I'm going to…
