From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Creating 2D shapes

Creating 2D shapes

- [Tutor] We now explore Rhino's ready-made 2d shapes with a focus on polygons. I've mentioned many times that you should build 2d shapes first and then create surfaces or solids later. So, skill with 2d shapes is critical for this workflow. Let's first explore some basic rectangles. Let's go ahead and use the main toolbar here, and here's our default rectangle. So I'll just click there. Notice we have some options up above, but we'll go ahead and just draw a basic rectangle. Now you see me eyeballing this, but at any point I can type in specific numbers. The first one will be the horizontal and the second one will be the vertical, but I'll just put an eyeball at like so. Another powerful way to draw a rectangle is from the center. Select center option up there and notice it goes out equally in all directions. That's pretty nice, but my favorite part is filleting at the same time. So let's try this one more time.…
