From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Construction strategies

Construction strategies - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

Construction strategies

- [Instructor] In prior videos, we've covered various strategies. And now we get to probably one of the more important videos. Dave's Construction Strategies. This is similar to some of the other ones, but now I'm going to tie it all together and give you my best practices to make sweet, sweet designs. We're going to run through a brief list, I hope, and then execute all of these steps and strategies in 3D. So hang on, start off with the construction strategies. Number one, try to have a sketch. Now two will be better, if they can identify unique perspectives. For example, in this project coming up, the top and side, do a great job of explaining how the object looks, and we just have to build an intersecting surface. Also look for symmetry. We're going to try to build stuff on the origin. Look for opportunities that mirror it, down to the really important stuff. This is a great technique, but I don't have a very good…
