From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Basic transformations: Scaling

Basic transformations: Scaling - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

Basic transformations: Scaling

- Rhino has some powerful options for scaling your geometry. We can scale objects in 1D, 2D or 3D. How cool is that? Let's zoom over to some of the geometry here I'm going to use for the demo. I want to start off first by opening the scale icon here so we can access all of the various options of it. If you click and hold, you do get the fly out and then you have to move your presser over still while holding, then click on the top part. This now becomes a dockable toolbar which can go up in the top toolbar, but I'm going to leave it right here just for easy access. Let's start off with this rectangle here in the center. I'm going to select scale 1D. Like a lot of scaling operations, we always pick the base point or origin. So I'll just snap to the midpoint there. Make sure your Osnaps match mine. This will be the base point. Now there's a couple of ways we can proceed. I'm just going to start off here with selecting this…
