From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

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Basic transformations: Moving

Basic transformations: Moving - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino 7 Essential Training

Basic transformations: Moving

- [Instructor] We now take a look at the many ways to move geometry in Rhino. It sounds pretty simple but the way you move stuff depends on how accurate you need to be. Let's go up a bit on our display and take a look at some of the ways we can now move. Of course, the quickest and easiest way to move is just selecting and dragging it around. Now that is quick and it is efficient; however, I have no idea of its exact position currently. And a lot of times that's fairly important. Let's undo that with the CTRL or Command Z, get it back to its original position. Now we're going to use the formal move command in Rhino, which will allow us to select a from point and a to point. As you might guess, we need to be careful with our O snaps. So down here at the bottom, I've got my center and intersection on, at least. Now, if you're trying to snap to an area that is hard to see, you may want to switch viewport modes. Right…
