From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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View navigation

View navigation

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to talk about view navigation. So there's a variety of ways that we can either zoom or pan or orbit in 3D views. And I'd like to kind of walk through several of them with you. The simplest way that you can navigate is to use the wheel on your mouse. So in order to do that, you just simply roll the wheel up to zoom in or roll it down to zoom out. Now in addition to rolling it, wherever your mouse pointer is also matters, so let me demonstrate that. Right now, my mouse pointer is in the middle of the screen, but if I move it over here to say, where these historic photographs are and then I start to roll in, notice that it's keeping that area of the view on-screen as it zooms in, okay? And I'll zoom back out again and then I'm going to do the same thing down here with this project location map. Now, I don't have to click to select it. I just need to put my mouse in that…
