From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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Using the Linework tool and Depth Cueing

Using the Linework tool and Depth Cueing - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

Using the Linework tool and Depth Cueing

- [Instructor] In this video, I'm going to look at two different graphical tools to help us fine tune the graphics in a view. The first one's going to be the Linework Tool, and then a little bit later we'll look at depth queuing. So for the Linework Tool, I'm going to start here in this floor plan, this furniture floor plan. And I would like to see a dashed line indicating where the balcony is up above. So there's a balcony looking down into this reception space and we really have no indication of that currently in the first floor plan. But if we open up the second floor plan, you may recall that we had this floor element kind of looking down into the space below. Now, I could just use detail lines like this and set them to dashed lines and trace over that. That would be fine, except that there's a really good chance that if you later change the model in some way, that those detail lines would need to be manually updated,…
