From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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Using object styles

Using object styles

- [Instructor] This video is going to be our first example of changing how elements display, instead of being focused on whether or not they display in the first place. So the last several videos, we were concerned with what displays in a view. And so if we didn't see elements we wanted, or if we did see elements that we didn't want, then we were concerned with adjusting things like the view extends and the view range and so forth, to be able to determine which elements were eligible to display in the first place. Once you've gotten elements to display correctly in the view, then it's a matter of, are they displaying as desired? And now we move our attention to how they're displaying. And this video is going to be the first look at that, and we're going to focus on the most global way to modify how elements display, and that is object styles. So I've got a section open here, and I'm just going to zoom in and point out a few…
