From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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Managing links

Managing links

- [Instructor] In this video we're going to talk about managing links. Now I'm starting without an exercise file loaded because I want to actually show you the process when I open the file. The file that I'm going to open will have a problem with some of its links and I want you to see that problem occur together. So here on the home screen, I'm going to click the Open button under Models. And in the Chapter05 Exercise Files folder, I'm going to choose the file that I want to open Manage Links or MManage Links if you're working in metric. Now, when the file opens, it will display with this unresolved references warning. So there are two options here. You can open Manage Links to correct the problem or you could just ignore it and continue. Now since this is video about managing links, I think the appropriate choice is the first one, to open the Manage Links dialogue to correct the problem. But of course, in your own…
