From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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Filter by sheet

Filter by sheet

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to show you a neat feature that schedules have when you place them on sheets. There's an option called filter by sheet. And with this option we can break up a large schedule into pieces that pertain to whatever is shown in the sheet that it's on. That may be a little confusing, so let me just demonstrate. I think that'll be easier. So what I'm going to do is I've got this first floor plan right here, A101, architectural floor plans. It has a single view port for the first floor. Then I'm going to scroll down to the sheets branch on my project browser, locate the second floor plan, double click to open that up. And this has a single view port for the second floor. So my goal is I want to take the door schedule which is currently on the A601 sheet. So let's double click that. And it's right here in the upper corner. So let me zoom in here. This door schedule is showing all the doors in…
