From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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Creating wall sweeps and reveals

Creating wall sweeps and reveals

- Sweeps and reveals offer powerful ways for us to customize the geometry of our walls. With a sweep, you are adding geometry to your wall, to the mass of the wall, and with the reveal, you are cutting away from the mass of the wall. Now, in both cases, you're going to use a profile family to determine the shape of the geometry that's going to be either added or removed from the wall, and then the wall itself essentially becomes the path of the sweep or reveal. Now, there are many different shapes included with the software, these are called profile families, and you can even make your own custom profile families if you need a custom shape. So in this example, I'm going to switch back to Revit and we're going to add some simple sweeps and reveals to our building design here. So what I'd like to start with is a brick soldier course along our brick walls here. Now, the first thing that you need to be aware of is, remember…
