From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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Creating footprint roofs

Creating footprint roofs

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to add some roofs to our building model. Now, the tool that we're going to use is the Footprint Roof tool. And adding roofs with the Footprint Roof is very similar to adding floors. So if you watch the previous video on adding floors, then a lot of this is going to be essentially review. Now I'm in a floor plan called High Roof and the trouble that we're going to have initially is that all we're really seeing here is the columns. Okay, so this is simply because we're cutting above the building and we don't really have any wall geometry here visible at this height. So, to remedy that and to make it easier for us to build our sketch, what we're going to do is temporarily turn on an underlay for this floor plan. So make sure that nothing is selected on screen. And the properties pallet here should say Floor Plan. And if it does, scroll down and you're looking for the Underlay…
